Drug addiction can affect anybody, and its symptoms can often go unnoticed, especially by the individual with the addiction. Being addicted to substances takes a toll on all aspects of an individual’s life. Drug addiction in the workplace can be especially problematic for several reasons. The individual’s well-being is always a top priority, as are a company’s reputation, worker safety, and job performance.
To better understand the toll of workplace drug addiction, here is a look at the warning signs and consequences of substance abuse in the workplace.
Signs of a Drug Addicted Worker
Behavioral Changes
Sharp behavior changes can often be a sign of drug use. If an individual suddenly becomes routinely more withdrawn or talkative than usual, it may cause concern. Frequent paranoia and hostility are other behavior changes often associated with substance abuse.
However, it’s important to note that there may be other causes, such as depression and anxiety, for some behavioral changes.
Workplace Attendance and Absenteeism
Absenteeism, the habit of missing work without reason, is a potential sign that a worker is struggling with addiction. Dramatic changes in workplace attendance should be taken seriously, especially if an employee had previously had great attendance.
It is common for those who are addicted to drugs to maintain good work attendance. This can often lead to individuals bouncing from one job to another quickly.
Physical & Speech Changes
Some of the more outwardly apparent signs of drug addiction in the workplace are changes in a worker’s appearance or speech. Bloodshot eyes and pale skin are two of the most common physical signs of drug or alcohol addiction. Similarly, slurred and slowed speech may often indicate that an individual is currently under the influence.
Consequences of Drug Addiction in the Workplace
Job Performance
Perhaps the most obvious consequence of drug use at work is worsening job performance. An individual who is struggling with a drug addiction can very easily lose focus on their professional obligations. This becomes especially problematic if and when attendance also becomes an issue.
While an individual’s well-being is always the top priority, drug addiction in the workplace can also affect a company’s bottom line. Poor job performance stemming from addiction can affect a business’s reputation and profits.
Employee Morale
A drug-addicted employee is not the only worker who may suffer as a result of their condition. Having an employee who is battling drug addiction can also take a toll on those around them. Poor job performance from one worker might force other employees to pick up the slack, leading to increased stress.
Some co-workers may also feel socially distressed or distracted if an employee’s drug addiction becomes a factor in the workplace.
Safety and Employee Well-being
Drug addiction is a very serious condition that can have immediate real-world effects on an individual’s well-being. For the individual’s sake, signs of drug addiction in the workplace should be taken very seriously.
At the same time, there are many instances where drug addiction at work can pose a safety or security risk to others as well. If an employee’s job involves operating heavy machinery or equipment, for instance, having clear senses is essential. Any sort of impairment can result in serious injury or even death in some cases.
This is why many industries require drug testing as a condition of employment. But even when there is no immediate safety threat, drug addiction still poses a health risk for the individual.
Soteria Can Help
If your business requires reliable, accurate drug testing, Soteria Screening Labs can help. Our 10 Panel Drug Test can test for a wide range of substances, including cocaine, opioids, and amphetamines. You can order a test for your business today to get started with Soteria Screening.