Redefining Drug Policies for a Healthier Environment

In recent years, our society has shifted the way it thinks about drug use and addiction. Attitudes have begun to shift toward a more compassionate and understanding treatment of the

In recent years, our society has shifted the way it thinks about drug use and addiction. Attitudes have begun to shift toward a more compassionate and understanding treatment of the harsh struggles of addiction. Reflecting this change, drug policies have also begun to shift away from harsher and more punitive stances toward drug use.

As legal drug policies shift, many companies are also taking this opportunity to update their own employee drug policy. While substance abuse in the workplace is still a very serious matter, many modern drug policies now emphasize education and recovery.

What factors should be considered when rethinking an employee’s drug and alcohol policy for today’s work environment? Here is a brief overview of some of the key points for businesses to focus on.

Rethinking Your Company’s Drug Policy

One of the most prominent factors forcing companies to reconsider their employee drug policies is widespread cannabis legalization. As a widely used recreational substance, cannabis, or marijuana, had previously been a common drug to test for. However, changes in its legal status have prompted many industries to rethink their drug policy pertaining to cannabis specifically.

Many companies which had previously tested for marijuana have abandoned this policy entirely in recent years. But this change in legislation is not an isolated incident. It is a reflection of a broader trend toward fewer punitive measures against drug use. While a drug-free workplace is still the standard goal across all industries, strategies for achieving this goal have changed.

A Modern Drug-Free Workplace Policy


Education is a key component of many modern drug policies. Older drug policies focused more on a zero-tolerance drug abstinence policy. But today’s drug and alcohol policies emphasize understanding the causes, symptoms, and treatment options of addiction. 

This starts with an understanding of addiction as a disease. Like any disease, addiction can be treated by following the proper steps. Modern drug policies often aim to help recovering addicts remain focused on their own recovery process. 

By fostering a greater understanding of addiction, modern drug policies can also help destigmatize substance abuse. This, in turn, can make it easier for individuals to seek help when needed.


Speaking of addiction treatment, this is another way that modern drug policies can be reshaped. Many resources can help individuals overcome drug and alcohol addiction. Some of the resources can be covered under employee healthcare plans as a silent but essential tool for recovering addicts.

By covering addiction treatment in an employee healthcare plan, businesses can provide recovering addicts with a clear path to recovery. Additionally, by removing a major obstacle in the way of recovery, the chances of a successful recovery increase.

When to Drug Test

While compassion and understanding are the hallmarks of modern drug policies, a drug-free workplace is still the goal. As such, it is still sometimes necessary for companies to require drug tests in some industries. Drug tests remain prevalent for jobs in which safety and security hinge upon work performance.

When requiring drug tests from employees, your drug policy should clearly outline why drug screening is important. In combination with a deeper understanding and de-stigmatization of addiction, this focus on awareness should make a drug-free workplace more achievable.

Reliable Drug Testing with Soteria

Another essential component of a modern drug policy is reliable drug screening. Transparency and fairness matter greatly, starting with a drug screening policy that everybody can trust. Soteria Screening Labs provides businesses in all industries with drug tests for all types of substances.

In addition to drug testing, Soteria offers various other services to help workplaces remain safe, healthy, and drug-free. Read about any of Soteria’s services to learn more.

Marijuana State Laws

To speed up your testing process, kindly purchase your necessary drug test via before your facility visit.
To speed up your testing process, kindly purchase your necessary drug test via before your facility visit.