The Pros and Cons of Drug Testing In The Workplace

Requiring employees to submit to pre-employment and routine drug testing has become common in the American workplace. The primary reason that an employer would require a drug test in the

Requiring employees to submit to pre-employment and routine drug testing has become common in the American workplace. The primary reason that an employer would require a drug test in the workplace is to ensure that every employee hired is of the highest quality. There are many benefits that come with requiring drug testing pre-employment and then routinely afterward. However, there are also negative consequences that you may face as an employer. 

We want to help you understand the importance of keeping your employees safe from harmful substances. So we’ve compiled a list of the various pros and cons of requiring drug tests in the workplace. 

The Pros of Conducting a Drug Test at the Workplace

When it comes to requiring employees to submit to mandatory drug tests in the workplace, there are several benefits that you can experience as an employer. The most common advantages of workplace drug testing are as follows:

Increases Workplace Safety

Depending on the type of work your employees will be doing, requiring drug tests could significantly increase workplace safety. For jobs that involve operating heavy machinery, an employee who is under the influence could cause serious property damages, injuries, and even death. However, by instituting routine drug testing, the odds of a workplace accident occurring due to drugs or alcohol decreases. 

Holds Employees Accountable

Countless citizens in the United States suffer from alcohol and substance abuse addiction. Many of these individuals struggle everyday to overcome their addictions and remain clean. Therefore, when former addicts know that they must submit to routine testing, they are much less likely to refrain from resuming their bad habits. 

Drug Testing Saves You Money

Simply put, drug testing can save your business thousands of dollars in company damages and lawsuits. If your employee uses drugs and damages property, it is your responsibility to repay damages. Furthermore, in the event that your employee hurts themself or others while under the influence, you will likewise be liable for paying any damages. Thus, routine drug tests render these scenarios unlikely. 

Alcohol and Drug Tests at Work: The Cons

On the other hand, you can also experience negative effects by requiring routine drug tests in the workplace. The following examples are potential cons that can arise from drug testing employees:

Testing Can Be Expensive

Of course, one of the arguments against requiring drug testing is that the price of testing is too expensive. It is indeed costly to routinely drug test every one of your employees. But you are actually saving money in the long-run by investing in a form of insurance. In other words, by paying to implement routine drug testing, you are also ensuring that your employees will remain clean and functional for their jobs. This reduces the chances of workplace injury or damages, which could potentially equal much more than the initial price of conducting a drug test. 

Lack of Employee Privacy

In regard to drug testing in the workplace, opposers also argue that drug tests violate an employee’s right to privacy. This argument originates from the fact that some employees feel that what they choose to do in their free time should not affect their opportunity for employment. 

Hire the Best Employees with Soteria Drug Screening

Now that you have a better understanding of some of the pros and cons of requiring employees to submit to routine drug testing, we hope you feel more confident when considering adopting a new drug testing policy. 

At Soteria Drug Screening, we strive to make the world a safer and better place by supplying drug testing to businesses. With our services, you can guarantee that the employees you hire are 100% drug free, thus safeguarding the safety and reputation of your company. 

To learn more about our services, reach out to us today!

Marijuana State Laws

To speed up your testing process, kindly purchase your necessary drug test via before your facility visit.
To speed up your testing process, kindly purchase your necessary drug test via before your facility visit.