Substance abuse is a serious issue with a lot of wide-ranging effects and complications. Not to be overlooked are the effects of substance abuse in the workplace. Our work environment can play a role in our life outside of work. While not all instances of substance abuse are related to work, the workplace is often a factor.
Here is an overview of how the workplace can affect an individual’s addiction, and how these disorders can impact the workplace.
Causes and Effects of Substance Abuse
Stress is often cited as one of the leading factors that can drive individuals to substance abuse. Substance use can provide a temporary feeling of relief from the stresses of work and home life. A stressful work environment can put employees at greater risk in some cases.
Social Environment
The social environment within the workplace can have an impact on the prevalence of substance abuse. A work environment that fosters a healthy drug-free environment encourages sobriety and provides support to those who need it.
Yet, if the social environment does nothing, or too little, it can make it easier for individuals to stumble. Without directly encouraging drug use, certain environments can be more enabling simply by ignoring warning signs.
Non-Work Factors
As much as employers might try to promote drug-free environments, the fact is that work is not the only factor. For many people suffering from a substance abuse disorder, their workplace is not a factor at all. A supportive workplace may make it easier for these individuals to seek help.
However, employers simply cannot control what their employees do in their private life. Substance abuse outside the workplace can still impact the working environment for all employees as well.
The Effects of Workplace Substance Abuse Disorder
Decreased Worker Efficiency
If one employee is struggling with addiction, that person’s work performance is likely to suffer. That individual’s performance then becomes less efficient, which has a ripple effect on those around them. As one employee’s performance suffers, other workers often must work harder to make up for that lost productivity. These problems can compile, resulting in a less productive overall workplace.
Greater Stress for Other Employees
Decreased worker efficiency stemming can also lead to greater stress in the workplace. This, in turn, can easily cause more stress for everybody in the workplace. The impact of workplace substance abuse on employee morale should never be overlooked.
Greater stress not only reduces productivity. It can also create a less supportive environment and reduce worker satisfaction. This can have wide-ranging effects, including potential employee turnover.
Health and Safety Concerns
Most importantly, these disorders are a health concern. An individual suffering from a substance abuse disorder is dealing with a severe health conflict. Moreover, if they are under the influence of substances in the workplace, they may also pose a risk to those around them.
When an individual is suffering, their well-being should be the top priority. Employers can provide support by allowing access to treatment, such as sessions with a counselor. One of the best things an employer can do to promote a drug-free workplace is to provide a support system to those in need.
How to Handle Workplace Substance Abuse Disorder
In addition to providing a supportive environment, drug testing is an effective tool to ensure a drug-free environment. Individuals who are recovering from substance abuse disorders are often required to pass a return-to-work drug test as part of their rehabilitation plan. Want to learn more about addressing addiction in the workplace? Soteria can help. Read about creating a company account or consider ordering a test to get started.