Drug testing provides a safe environment for employees and employers alike. Regardless of full-time or part-time status, drug testing is an important practice for companies to implement. Drug testing is proven to reduce tardiness, accidents, and theft in the workplace.
With all this in mind, is there a reason not to test part time employees? Should companies regularly drug test their employees, both part-time and full-time? Here’s what all companies should know when it comes to drug testing their part-time employees.
Which Part Time Jobs Require Testing?
Not all job descriptions and companies require testing for part-time employees. In most states, employers are required to mention whether they drug test part-time employees in their advertisements or job postings. Some states require employers to give notice before drug testing while others do not. As you can see, regulations can get complicated.
At the same time, there is no federal requirement for private employers to have a drug-screening process in place. Employers should be aware of requirements within their state and tailor their procedures to those requirements. For example, North Carolina does not require restrictions on applicants or employees. Drug screenings are, however, only able to be given by approved laboratories.
While this is a great benefit that maintains the privacy of the employee, there are some fields that require testing. Even part-time employees can be the source of certain liabilities (intentional or not). If an employee works in the medical field, transportation, or security, it is a guarantee that they will be drug tested.
Any federal, state, or county position is likely to test part time employees as well. Employees occupying these part time jobs should be tested regularly due to the demanding nature of their positions.
Should All Part Time Positions Test?
Of course, this question comes with a nuanced answer. Employers can use their discernment about drug testing their part-time employees. However, there are many benefits to having a drug screening program in place.
Whether one is running a small business or is a CEO managing a large team, all companies can benefit. As stated above, drug testing is known to help employers reduce issues in the workplace. These issues, no matter how small they seem, can worsen over time. Companies can stop these issues in their tracks before a molehill becomes a mountain. Smaller companies can benefit from using drug testing as a viable preventative measure.
On the other hand, some workplace philosophies disagree with testing part time employees. It can be viewed as an unnecessary expense, since most part time positions are only hourly. There are no healthcare, dental, or retirement benefits with part time positions. Although a new employee is an investment in any company, can bigger corporations afford the “loss” if all they do is pay hourly? This is up to the company to decide where they want to allocate its resources.
Other Vital Information
Communicate About Medications
Part-time employees should make their employer aware of any medications they are taking that can affect performance. Transparency is key, and communicating about medication could prevent future misunderstandings or false-positive tests.
Employees Can Ask for Exemptions
Employees can also request to see a list of what their employers test for. Additionally, employees in situations monitoring their health can get exemptions from their employers at the business’s discretion. Any employee that appears to be under the influence at work can be tested, per most state laws.
What Drug Tests are Used? Ask Your Employer
The types of drug tests employers can use include blood, urine, hair, saliva, sweat, and breath tests. The most common test is urinalysis. Typically, a drug test is looking for opiates, cocaine, PCP, THC, or amphetamines in the body. A company is allowed to test for substances that are legal and illegal. Any person that takes a prescription for pain, anxiety, and/or depression is encouraged to ask what their employer will test for.
Drug Testing During Pre-Employment
Failing a drug test during pre-employment screening can result in the offer being withdrawn. Exceptions are usually only granted to employees on prescription medication, as mentioned earlier.
We Would Love to Help You!
The mission at Soteria Screening Laboratories is to ensure employers can create drug-free workspaces. This team prioritizes helping businesses with successful drug screening programs. Contact Soteria today!