Implementing Random Drug Testing in the Workplace

Alcohol and drug abuse is a very serious and growing concern across the globe. More people are turning to these alternatives to alleviate different physical and mental issues. Drug abuse

Alcohol and drug abuse is a very serious and growing concern across the globe. More people are turning to these alternatives to alleviate different physical and mental issues. Drug abuse is also a prominent concern for employers. Studies show that drug related accidents have cost companies and businesses between $11,000 and $13,000 a year in associated healthcare costs. 

These numbers are concerning for organizations. They also prove that an implemented random drug testing policy is the answer. Random drug tests could save an employer a lot of money and prevent further drug related incidents. It also helps by weeding out the drug users and preventing production losses due to drug or alcohol related absences.

Random Drug Testing Works As a Deterrent

If an employee knows that they could be drug tested at any given time on the job, it will make them nervous and possibly deter them from using drugs. However, if it is truly random and it gets repetitive, employees can start predicting when their employers are going to give these tests. This will enable a drug abuser to plan their illegal activities in accordance to the test schedule. Protocols need to be put in place that administer periodic and intervaled drug testing. This is an important factor in keeping a safe and drug free work environment.

Limit Notification Time

The amount of time between an employee notification and when the actual testing takes place is important. Most drug users know how to evade drug and alcohol detection. If there is a lapse in the time the user is notified and when the actual test is taken it could give them enough time to mask the results. 

An employee should be notified of the drug test and then escorted straight to the clinic with supervision. If an employee refuses or acts out inappropriately it should be considered defiance. A refusal to take the test is a clear sign that the employee has a problem with drug or alcohol use. 

Follow Regulations

If your company chooses to participate in a random drug testing policy make sure to follow state and federal regulations. There are different laws in place about what procedures and practices are acceptable. An organization can face a costly fine if they do not meet the requirements. DOT and FAA are regulating authority guidelines and should be implemented in companies that are in accordance.


To make sure that the screening process is fair and truly random an organization will have to use approved and safe software programs. There are several applications available that were created specifically for random drug testing. These programs meet certified DOT regulations and often come with extra features that can help with audit preparation and documentation.

Data management is also a feature of drug testing applications. This will help with the administration side of the screening process such as employer rosters and attendance.

Not only will these software programs ensure efficiency, they are also cost effective and can save your organization money and time.


Documented all screening processes is the most vital part of implemented random drug testing. It protects your company from audit or litigation issues that can result in serious fines. Sometimes these tests can select the same employee multiple times within a certain time frame. If an employee gets suspicious and start questioning the randomness it could lead to legal action. 

Documented files of how the employees are selected will help prove the legitimacy of the screening process and reduce any legal issues or lawsuits. For more information on how to implement this contact Soteria today. 

Marijuana State Laws

To speed up your testing process, kindly purchase your necessary drug test via before your facility visit.
To speed up your testing process, kindly purchase your necessary drug test via before your facility visit.