How to Effectively Implement a Drug Policy That Works for Everyone

An employee drug policy provides security for employers and safety for workers and the company alike. However, implementing a drug policy can be a tricky process. Employees should understand why

An employee drug policy provides security for employers and safety for workers and the company alike. However, implementing a drug policy can be a tricky process. Employees should understand why the drug policy exists, as well as the rules and procedures they must follow. So, here is a quick guide to establishing an effective drug-free workplace policy.

What are Employee Drug Policies?

Employment drug policies are usually formal documents that outline the expectations and requirements for all employees in maintaining a drug-free workplace. Policies may vary depending on the industry, but most work environments at least require that all employees not be under the influence while at work or at work-related events.

A drug and alcohol-free workplace policy must adhere to local legislation, and it should also provide clear instructions for all employees and prospective employees. For instance, some states forbid employers from taking restrictive action against workers who use prescribed medical marijuana while not working.

Here are some of the key steps you should follow when creating and implementing your own employment drug policy.

How to Implement a Drug Free Workplace Policy

Explain the Policy’s Purpose

The first key element to any policy is a clear purpose statement. Everybody who will be affected by the policy should have a clear understanding of why the policy exists and what the company’s goals are. Most drug policies exist for purposes of worker and public safety, as well as a healthier and more productive work environment.

Who Does the Policy Cover?

Employment drug policies should also outline who, exactly, is affected by the policy. For instance, does it affect both full-time and part-time workers? Are certain worker classes (e.g. pilots, truck drivers, etc.) subject to stricter drug testing than others?

Employee Expectations

A purpose statement should clearly outline the “why” behind your drug policy. A separate section of your policy should also explain the “what” and “how” behind the policy. Clearly explain the rules about on-the-job substance use, allowances for prescription use, off-the-job use, and any state regulations about specific substances.

Drug Testing Procedures

Clearly explain the company’s drug testing policy, including when tests may be administered and which substances may be tested for. Some jobs may require pre-employment testing as a condition for employment. Some jobs also issue random drug tests to ensure adherence to the policy. Others may only issue reasonable suspicion tests in the event of an accident or incident at work.

Define Key Terms

A glossary of key terms can significantly reduce confusion or uncertainty surrounding the policy. Provide a space in your policy document to define key terms like “accident,” “on the job,” and “under the influence.”

Consequences & Resources

Another crucial element of a drug-free workplace policy is an outline of the consequences of policy violations. Inform employees what may happen if they are found to have violated it. Will their job be terminated? Will they face a temporary suspension? What are the procedures for returning to work following a violation?

Your policy should also provide resources for dealing with substance abuse and addiction. While remaining drug-free is key to workplace safety, a safe and healthy recovery is also very important for individuals affected by addiction. Your employment policy can provide help by offering support and first steps on the road to recovery.

Reliable Drug Screening with Soteria.

When it comes to creating a drug-free workplace policy, reliable drug screening is often a crucial component. Soteria is a proud partner of many employers who strive to keep their workplaces drug and alcohol-free. Learn more about Soteria’s drug screening services or order a test today to help ensure your workplace remains drug-free.

Marijuana State Laws

To speed up your testing process, kindly purchase your necessary drug test via before your facility visit.
To speed up your testing process, kindly purchase your necessary drug test via before your facility visit.