Coronavirus and Drug Testing: How to Stay Healthy

The coronavirus has impacted every part of our current world, from the economy to education to healthcare.  There is a lot of worry around getting sick or spreading the virus

The coronavirus has impacted every part of our current world, from the economy to education to healthcare.  There is a lot of worry around getting sick or spreading the virus to other people.  Here are some ways to stay healthy even if you are doing drug testing during this pandemic.

Follow guidelines set by the CDC

The Center for Disease Control (CDC) is still learning about the coronavirus.  It is a relatively new disease, but some information is available about the sickness.  Check the CDC’s website often for the most updated information as well as other reliable sources like the World Health Organization.

Currently, the CDC does not know exactly how the virus spreads.  However, the current hypothesis is that it spreads most often from person to person and also on contaminated surfaces.  The CDC has issued a set of guidelines around the coronavirus that everyone should be following.  These include:

  •         Wash your hands often
  •         Stay home if you feel sick
  •         Cover your coughs and sneezes with a tissue or your elbow
  •         Wear a facemask if you are sick
  •         Clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces often

The CDC also recommends social distancing to prevent the spread of coronavirus.  Social distancing means avoiding nonessential gatherings and staying six feet away from others when you are with people.

Be informed about local laws

Different states have different guidelines involving what businesses are open, public transportation, and other situations.  Some state governments have ordered citizens to shelter in place or quarantine themselves unless they absolutely must go out.  Be sure to stay up to date on what is happening where you live and follow all guidelines set out by government officials.  It is a good idea to practice social distancing and good hand hygiene no matter where you live during the coronavirus pandemic.

Keep your drug testing facility clean

Wherever your drug screening is happening, make sure to disinfect surfaces such as doorknobs and light switches.  Have gloves available for the people conducting the drug testing.  Everyone should wash their hands often with soap and warm water.  If sinks aren’t available, hand sanitizer can be used.  Depending on the type of test being used, you can even follow social distancing guidelines of keeping six feet between yourself and others during the drug screening.

Continue Living a Healthy Lifestyle

Being healthy is one of the best ways to prevent yourself from catching any kind of sickness.  Regularly doing things like eating well, exercising, and getting enough sleep are all beneficial to your long term health.  Not drinking or doing drugs is also a great way to maintain a healthy lifestyle.  In this time where many people are panicked about the coronavirus, it is important to not neglect these basic healthy habits as you add new ones to your daily life.

Need drug testing for your business?

Are you a business looking for drug screening for your employees?  Soteria Screening can help.  They have many different types of drug tests available, including urine, hair, oral fluid, and breath alcohol testing.  Soteria Screening can test for alcohol and drugs, including nicotine, marijuana, and illegal substances. 

If you are a business who hasn’t screened your employees, consider this: having workers who routinely use drugs is a huge liability for your company.  It can lead to loss of productivity or even accidents on the job.  Drug testing, whether for potential new employees or random testing for current employees, encourages workers to avoid recreational drug use.  This makes your company safer for you, your employees, and your customers.

For more information about Soteria Screening, call (202) 679-6670 or visit them online.

Marijuana State Laws

To speed up your testing process, kindly purchase your necessary drug test via before your facility visit.
To speed up your testing process, kindly purchase your necessary drug test via before your facility visit.